There is an arms race going on among the major powers to develop hypersonic missile technology (missiles flying above Mach 5 speed – 6,400 kilometres per hour).
the aim of Chinese military modernization is defensive. the ability to neutralize any foolish brinkmanship serves as deterrent to the aggressor. as for nuclear weapons, any advancement is to ensure that mutually assured destruction is sustained. even the crazies in Washington probably have enough sanity not to go there. those people are fundamentally cowards and don't want to die for their cause, whatever theatrics they might put up.
"As the hypersonic arms race continues, China’s lead will force its adversaries to make huge investments in defensive measures. Bankrupting your enemy is part of Sun Tzu’s Art of War"
As sales of weaponry depend upon evidence of performance may I suggest that you have a word with your leaders for them to supply Hamas with the new missile for testing!
the aim of Chinese military modernization is defensive. the ability to neutralize any foolish brinkmanship serves as deterrent to the aggressor. as for nuclear weapons, any advancement is to ensure that mutually assured destruction is sustained. even the crazies in Washington probably have enough sanity not to go there. those people are fundamentally cowards and don't want to die for their cause, whatever theatrics they might put up.
haha, "unfortunately", China does not want to proliferate. One imperialist is enough for the world.
Thank you Hua, another fine article on Chinese technology superiority. First the US naval projection abilities are neutralized, now
Its air power is neutralized. I look forward
to seeing its nuke threat neutralized.
The US does not need any help in Bankrupting the nation.
"As the hypersonic arms race continues, China’s lead will force its adversaries to make huge investments in defensive measures. Bankrupting your enemy is part of Sun Tzu’s Art of War"
As sales of weaponry depend upon evidence of performance may I suggest that you have a word with your leaders for them to supply Hamas with the new missile for testing!