thanks for the suggestion. I'll read Andrei's writings. My economic thinking is deeply influenced by Prof Michael Hudson who is also on Unz Review. it's a pity few people read classical political economics today.

I wrote a short piece on the damage of University of Chicago on western economics and politics that might interest you. I believe neoliberal economics and neocon foreign policies ruined the west (and the world). They are the two sides of the same coin and originate from the same destructive ethno religious group.

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you should read andrei martyanovs blog, called smoothie blogspot, he is on the same page as you, he is a soviet American Californian and he is great as well. BTW I found you on unz review. Love from Johannesburg south africa.

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What ever happened to GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP)?

I recall, maybe 35-40 years ago the push by Fatmerican economists to dump GNP for GDP.

I also recall the shit argument that GDP is more accurate "Because the total amount of $$ spent, whether productive or disaster, is an accumulated value". But when are deleterious events considered by the calculus of "total $$ spent" ever a good thing?

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