Exactly. It's because their jobs depend on it.

Remember this famous exchange.

In February 1996, Andrew Marr interviewed Noam Chomsky on the BBC’s The Big Idea.

One of the most illuminating exchanges during the interview was the following:

Marr: “How can you know I’m self-censoring?”

Chomsky: “I’m not saying you’re self-censoring. I’m sure you believe everything you say. But what I’m saying is if you believed something different you wouldn’t be sitting where you’re sitting.”

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There are stretches of Chinese dynastic history in which temperatures were higher than they are today, so climate change cannot conclusively said to be anthropogenic. I personally think the claim about climate change distracts from the larger point of the article.

In any case, I think the question about why smart people think stupid things in the US ruling class has little to do with individuals but with instutitions. Take for example the revolving door between military brass and the boards of weapons manufacturers, which in turn fund politicians and think tanks, which in turn reinforce establishment thinking about 'peer rivals'. And the intelligence agents that double as public experts in mainstream media. This nepotistic overlapping of circles upon circles is mirrored by the super-national NATO and Brussel structures that control the governance of Europe.

Just getting a peek at USAID funding gives a hint of how many instutitions are deeply interconnected in ways so byzantine that even the most steadfast auditor would be hard pressed to map it all. It is a huge echo chamber in which no one can see the walls that enclose it. And it is designed that way, otherwise why split the hydra into the CIA, NED, USAID, the state dept, etc. This megolithic but impossible to fully comprehend superstructure is what these 'smart individuals' abide in. There are few individuals so smart that they can transcend the biases of their society and instutitions. We usually just call such persons madmen.

As for the conventionally smart people, let's not forget that places like Yale are recruitment grounds for the CIA. I forget the details of Sullivan's CV but he fits the profile aptly and the Clintons have never stopped raving about how smart Sullivan is and how he is the future of the elite class. Yet everything out of his mouth is a platitude, or some silly lie that would make even the most mediocre mind wince when trying to pass it off as a truth.

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very true indeed. The deep state is so entangled and so many vested interests are embedded that it's impossible to untangle them. The system cannot be reformed and you have to burn everything down and go back to the drawing board. I suspect this is the reason why the average Chinese dynasty in history (there were 24 of them) lasted after 250 years. All started with clean slates and reached new height of development before becoming corrupt and decadent and then overthrown (the emperor has lost the mandate of heaven). The same will happen to the US and probably to China again as well in the future. Demeritocracy is not limited to the west. It is a human condition that will occur to all human organizations. It just so happens the west is going through this phase before our eyes.

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As for the dynastic rise-decline curve, a critical juncture -- for both the US and China -- is the disintegration of the Soviet Union. China's response was Xi's anti corruption purge within the party (which also shored up their resilience to being corrupted and compromised by US agencies) and the strengthening of socialist ideology. By ideology, I mean not words and mere media manipulation but actions and concrete manifestations that are evident even when not overtly advertised.

Meanwhile, the US became drunk on its unipolar moment, leading to an unchecked expansion of the blob (leading to more interventions, military campaigns, and color revolutions than during the entire cold war) and something harder to diagnose and repair, which is relying on media manipulation to exert power (with the so-called Arab Spring being the exemplary fusion of digital monopoly and hybrid warfare). Perhaps with all expansionist empires, what is done abroad comes back to the imperial core, so the 'world's policeman' became a police state at home, propaganda organs once focused on foreign targets now fully flood the domestic political and media space, with the 2013 repeal of the Smith-Mundt act that previously separated foreign and domestic propaganda being a watershed moment. all this is to say there is now more Kool-Aid in the anglo media space than there has ever been, and more importantly, the stewards of empire are themselves managed and mentally mangled by it.

The dirty masses were never privy to the workings of the inner core, but now even the elites too seem disconnected from reality. This is as you say the fate of empires but there's also something historically unusual here because this empire is also where the internet was created and disseminated around so much of the world, so large that even AI large language models are inescapably corrupted by it. Even China's 'digital sovereignty' does not shield Deepseek from this rot, which is now part of the fabric of what is knowable. John Helmer has asked ChatGPT and Deepseek about Ukraine, and their answers are not more intelligent than what you get from the New York Times, whose readers are encumbered with everything they must eventually unlearn from it. In computer science, they say garbage in, garbage out. In the imperial orbit, garbage comes back as the nourishment we feed on. Is it any wonder the smart are so stupid?

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There are many complex reasons why the West is going down hard. The biggest is that the multipolar/multinodal world is emerging and we are going to be in a minority position. The West only constitutes 12% of the world population. Now the rest of the world, the majority, is going to prevail. Hubris and arrogance prevent the West powers from accepting the new realities of the 21st century. The historic record shows the American empire has been in decline for thirty years. For many of the same reasons the USSR collapsed in 1989-- according to Chalmers Johnson. His trilogy should be read by all. We just can't accept the rise and fall of empires is an inevitable cycle of history-no exceptions, no matter how exceptional.

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I have read Johnson's trilogy and he certainly is right on. that said, he is a bit mild and intellectual. I love hard charging journalists like Gary Webb and Sy Hersh.

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I just reread Shelley's "Ozymandias" a poem for our times. Gary Webb is a name new to me will have to look him up.

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What do you make of Mees Baaijen of the Predators and the People ..the banking "glafia" are orchestrating the whole shebang as they did for Rome, for Venice, for Amsterdam, For London...now it's China's turn!. Why?? Well my guess is that the citizens of the empire, in this case the " liberal democracies", eventually get too close to the source and not all of them can be " paid off". The digital surveillance state awaits..or does it?

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Is there any anglocentric-driven ARSEHOLE that isn’t :

A: A Biblically-obsessed, end-times craving, psychopathically-suicidal nihilist piece of dog shit?

B: Narcissistic Billionaire “tech-bro”/CEO placing profits over people 80-90% chance they get?

C: An Unholy Amalgamation of BOTH?

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Just because one is smart doesn't mean they are good. Our "elite" in the West are selected based on their selfishness and malleability.

Here's some inside experience:

Me: Believe in living honestly and in business believed in "maximizing value creation". Sent from the company plane to pasture at 43 (I'm ok with that)

My kid: Raised on Homer, Aristotle, Kant, Mill... but was groomed in undergrad by Prof Schlomo, chosen for Ivy League PhD, now a self-serving "elite"

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I just watched your video with Kevin Barrett, good stuff; if not outright dystopian. Personally, I am very relieved that my race dodged a bullet by rejecting the Jewish centralised banking system. I may not be of mainlander-blood, but I am absolutely relieved that my distant kinsmen did not drink the proverbial Kool-Aid mind poison which has severely compromised the American Psyche for decades. I mean holy shit, the amount of control over the Americans and some parts of Europe is utterly harrowing; their sycophancy towards that shitty little nation is highly unnatural and reminiscent of cult-like behaviour that I always loathe since childhood. I mean I always have a hunch that certain Americans are biblical-nutcases; but I didn’t realise how batshit-insane they were! And these Elites are supposedly educated in the school of "rational" thought. What the hell happen during their scholarly pursuits? One of these days (I really hope not), end-times inspired internationally-imposed “policy” (more like shoehorned- doomsday prophecy disguised as global law) will be the death of the entire human civilization because invisible man in the sky in smelly book written by uneducated sheep herders says it’s a “holy” thing to do! God damn it, this sort of plot belongs in a D-rated grimdark cliché novel prelude to a post-apocalyptic event, yet it’s gonna be our bloody reality, if nothing is done about it!

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the amazing thing is the jews, which have always been numerically inferior, have managed to manipulate a large portion of Christians to their cause, especially in the US via the creation of the so called evangelical Christians or fundamentalist Christians or Christian zionists. a jewish lawyer, samuel untermyer, financed the fraud and liar cyrus scofield to edit the good book and manufactured this bullshit about antisemitism, basically anything against the jews whatever their crimes, is a sin. more christians in the US believe this crap more than they believe the actual original bible.

the jews have completely polluted the economics and politics of the west. the west is where it is today mostly thanks to the jewish influence. this goes beyond israeli lobby. the jewish or talmudic influence is so pervasive in the economic, financial, academic, media, political and national security arenas the parasites basically have consumed the host. the west is but a shell feeding the parasite and cannot be saved.

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As much as they hate our kind, I can't help but feel pity for them being subjugated by a predatory cult for centuries; Imagine being sent to a nutty religious camp by your parents that you can't ever leave and are unable to make contact with the outside world, nor tell about the seedy activities or else you'll be subjected to the shady scoutmaster's "discipline". That's the abusive, almost stockholm-syndrome-esque relationship between USA & Israel for ya! Can you imagine China being controlled by a far smaller "client" state like North Korea whose foreign policy are motivated by ancient korean shamanistic traditions? Or how about Britain's entire parliament under the geas/thrall of the Druidic Priesthood of Celtic Ireland that still practice human sacrifices carried out in a peat bog? It's utter madness!

Aa much as I hate their blatant roman-style imperialism; as much as I hate their double-standards and annoying self-projection to people they don't like as well as their chronic whataboutism to change the uncomfortable subject and as much as I especially hate their cartoonish demonisation of our culture for decades via their reincarnated 60's-style McCarthyism which nobody in the fucking global north seems to remember with their bloody goldfish memories...even I don't think that a narcissitic, cartoonishly-patriotic, immensely-hypocritical, self-righteous bully like the USA deserved to be indoctrinated like that; much as they are in childishly in denial and are very bull-headed about it. Stubborn yankees can't even see the marrionette strings that motivate their every movement; but if possible, they sincerely need to have their minds detoxified and if they permit it, we could aid in accelerating the process. Will they stab us in the back? Proba-whom am I kidding? (Very likely) and we must be prepared for such dastardly scenario; but we should try, annoyingly-hazardous as the process may turn out. Not gonna lie, they might relapse back into their old habits and its gonna be a real pain the ass to witness their snail's pace at realising what the hell they experienced in that metaphorical camp of sadists and what on gaia's green earth were they thinking trying to start a nuclear war for some stupid bronze-age prophecy? This primitive belief has absolutely no place in modern society and it should be extinguished; so that we humans can actually/finally be a (more) enlightened civilization. I don't want Kardashev Type 2+ alien civilizations crossing out our membership to galactic society because we refused to evolved pass medieval doctrines.

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I am really concerned whether our culture is vulnerable to their machinations and usury-based debt-trap. Say what you like about them, but they have a glib-tongue and I am afraid the uneducated (or even the educated, yet ignorant or unprincipled ones) of our kinsmen will be entranced by their speechcraft; unaware or more likely underestimating how unscrupulous they could be. Americans, especially the biblically-obsessed are easy prey for them; the good thing is that we are not THAT religiously zealous; but they might find a way to coerce the less principled among us - and believe me they will try!

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thanks for sending. Larry Romanoff, author of the book, is a favorite writing of mine. He does enormous amount of research about things like the wealthiest people in the world and how they got the wealth. everyone should read him to understand the world we live in.

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Thank you very much, Sir.

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So, you believe in anthropogenic global warming? And you believe it’s a dangerous threat that necessitates a coordinated global response?

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Well said..I was just about to pull him up. Maybe that's his main limited hangout out job cos the rest of his impressions are old hat to truther.

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So when society is so delusional that even intellectuals have to conform to stupid policies to save or move up in their career goals?

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My conclusions so far: If when you are very young you are identified as being very bright and continuously told that by the establishment and continually encouraged to expect to become an important part of that establishment it's very difficult to accept as an adult that the establishment had been, and continues to fill your head with distortion of facts and propaganda.

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(start excerpt) “But from what I hear, the key philosophies from Talmud seem to be very Machiavellian. I’m even a little surprised that Niccolo Machiavelli was not Jewish. Because his words are like music to like to the inner self of the average Jew” (end excerpt). – Hua Bin

Sir, most respectfully, you need to distinguish between Machiavellianism and Machiavelli’s actual writings before you leap to the mocking and denigrating comment that you are surprised Machiavelli was not Jewish. My guess is you, like most people even academics, have never read the entirety of his works, nor studied his life. Michael Ledeen and Leo Strauss are two of the most intentionally influential, even Machiavellian, propagandists about Machiavelli. Contrary to Strauss, Ledeen (and now you), I have found by reading Machiavelli directly, not through secondary sources, that he was a Christian realist (see below). Rather, than spend a lot of time refuting your assertions, below I offer my Amazon book review of Leo Strauss’s “Thoughts on Machiavelli”. I wrote it as if I was Machiavelli himself was answering your “demeritocratic” and supercilious understanding of Machiavelli, as well as Strauss’s.

Who Is Machiavellian? Strauss (or Michael Ledeen) or Hua Bin?

Read my full book review at: https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/0226777022/ref=acr_dp_hist_1?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=one_star&reviewerType=all_reviews#reviews-filter-bar

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“But from what I hear, the key philosophies from Talmud seem to be very Machiavellian. I’m even a little surprised that Niccolo Machiavelli was not Jewish. Because his words are like music to like to the inner self of the average Jew”. – Hua Bin

Sir, most respectfully, you need to distinguish between Machiavellianism and Machiavelli’s actual writings before you leap to the mocking and denigrating comment that you are surprised Machiavelli was not Jewish. My guess is you, like most people even academics, have never read the entirety of his works, nor studied his life. Michael Ledeen and Leo Strauss are two of the most intentionally influential, even Machiavellian, propagandists about Machiavelli. Contrary to Strauss, Ledeen (and now Hua Bin) I have found by reading Machiavelli directly, not through secondary sources, that he was a Christian realist (see below). Rather, than spend a lot of time refuting your assertions, below I offer my Amazon book review of Leo Strauss’s “Thoughts on Machiavelli”. I wrote it as if I was Machiavelli himself was answering your “demeritocratic” and supercilious understanding of Machiavelli, as well as Strauss’s.

Who Is Machiavellian? Strauss (or Michael Ledeen) or Hua Bin?

I, Niccolo Machiavelli, have been resurrected to dictate a reply via my transcriber on Leo Strauss’s Thoughts on Machiavelli to set the record straight about his assassination of my book The Prince and my character. One of the other Amazon reviewers (“David”) sums up Strauss’s thoughts as characterizing me as a “megalomaniac ‘teacher of evil’ whose primary intention is spiritual warfare”.

I must first dispel the vicious collective hypnotic spell cast over my reputation for centuries, popularized by modern liberal movies, novels, academia, and even by American Catholic and biblical religion, meant to twist what I wrote in 1532, that my book The Prince teaches only how to be evil and irreligious. This is more than a reading comprehension problem and reflects the manipulativeness of so-called Machiavellianism that I am accused of.

I refer you to my sermon “On Penitence” (delivered to the religious Company of Piety and Pope Clement VII in 1532, on how a prince needs to do penance for deeds necessary to save his nation); and on three prose-poems dealing with political virtue:

“On Ambition” (on how an armed citizenry can only secure the Republic against the ambitions of the oligarchs),

“On Ingratitude or Envy” (of the Citizens and Mercenary armies fighting proxy wars) and

“On Fortune” (of how a city’s fortune was ruined by fraud and the circumvention of usury laws by the Medici’s).

Together with my book The Prince, these describe a world not unlike the modern situation that the United States is undergoing where:

* Oligarch families tyrannically control the world and drive perpetual warfare against other competing banking monopolies and governments (The Medici Family, Popes, and Medici Bank vis a vis your secret societies and central bank system),

* Proxy wars are conducted by mercenaries and contractors,

* Fraud, usury and gambling is institutionalized as normal and moral banking (like your hedge funds and mortgages), and,

* Conspiracies and coups abound disguised as plagues. Even in my time plagues and fire-bombing could be weaponized by destroying food stocks, by planning to divert water from the Arno River to starve the enemy city of Pisa, by crowding people together, and by setting urban fires, such as the burning of Rome.

Only believe what I wrote not what others viciously rumor about me using cherry-picked, out of context, one-line quotes. Leo Strauss smears me as a teacher of evil and irreligion apparently to make me a scapegoat. In his book Machiavelli’s Secret: The Soul of the Statesman”, scholar Angelo Belliotti writes: “Machiavelli never calls anything other than evil”.

Why does Strauss try so hard to discredit me if not to slyly steal the ‘spirit’ of my works and the ‘charisma’ of my personality for himself as the chief political counselor to modern oligarchs and princes, only as a preacher of evil Machiavellianism not the political “virtue” I wrote about. It was the French poet who came after my time, Charles Baudelaire, who said: “the greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince that he did not exist”. To which the only thing I must add is, only to project the devil onto a scapegoat, namely me, and away from the secret societies and oligarchs! Christ opposed such religion whose character marker was to always find the speck in someone else’s eyes than their own.

My approach to politics cannot be summed up in pithy cliches like “it is always better to be feared than loved” when the best is to be both loved and feared, but they rarely come together as love can be exploited and returned with hate and assassination. If a person in a position of authority must choose, he will find that love must be stingy and indulgence only spoils the populace, but fear protects love. My statement “men must either be caressed or extinguished” refers only to when a conqueror takes over an adversary’s country. Echoing Christ’s golden rule, I wrote in my book Discourses on Livy “whatever we do to another must be such that we do not fear his retaliation”.

To answer the charge that I am irreligious, my writings bestow “glory” on a hierarchy of leaders, with religious leaders at the top:

* Religious leaders who found new religions that make a new public and moral order and republic (Romulus, Christ, Paul, Marcion, St. Ignatius),

* Those who reform corrupted religion (Luther, Erasmus, Paul, Marcion)

* Military leaders who, when necessary, can be ruthless (Caesar, Severus who dissolved the Praetorian Guard and created a citizen army, Agathocles who killed all the oligarchs),

* Political leaders who hold up the interests of the common people (Soderini),

* Those who write literature and produce art which elevates the citizenry (Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Dante Alighieri, Juvenal),

* And those who serve the nation by virtue of their occupation or patronage (such as my patron Lorenzo di Filippo).

However, in my time I refused to confer glory on religious leaders like the Florentine Catholic ruler-priest Savonarola, the moral absolutist who piously condemned sexual sin but was an “unarmed prophet” who let the French conquer Florence without any resistance, leaving it to being overrun by confiscation, rape, and subjugation. Sound familiar to your current situation?.

Especially, don’t believe what Christians like Catholic Benjamin Wiker wrote in his “10 Books That Screwed Up the World”, which also slanders me as “one of the most profound teachers of evil the world has ever known”. Wiker apparently never read my book The Discourses wherein I wrote: “one cannot do evil under the cover of good”. Wiker caricatures me as a moral relativist, but never sees that Relativism and Fundamentalism are two sides of the same coin and neither have any concern for the unintended consequences of one’s actions.

It is a vicious distortion that I said: “the ends justify the means” – without adding “but only in genuine emergencies where the very existence of the state and religion is threatened by war, corruption, insurrection and coups, invasion by migration, or foreign domination”; and, moreover, “in all other non-emergent situations public morality ought to default to conventional Christian morality”. Such emergencies need to be genuine and not contrived as a spectacle for other ends; or as Kevin Barrett might say: “not a false flag”.

Enough of having to justify by what moral and spiritual authority I write this review of Strauss’s twisted book. Let me add, that now you might understand why I also wrote that sometimes a ruler may have to do bad to bring about a good outcome. Think of Winston Churchill lying to British citizens that he did not know when the Germans were going to firebomb them because to do so would have revealed the British had broken the Nazi military codes. Or think of Pres. Ronald Reagan claiming “plausible deniability” that he had traded guns, and drugs to enemies to secure the release of American hostages in Lebanon. These are situations that only rulers in a position of authority must do out of necessity, thus the citizenry is spared of having to get their hands dirty.

This never justifies doing evil, however, and a ruler must also seek penance and not seek inflicting gratuitous evil. I never said anything other than evil is evil. The ongoing emergency surrounding the “Great Reset” in the US in 2020 was avoidable evil but authorized by default by all your leaders, past and present, whether China did or did not leak a virus from a lab. Government has a monopoly on legitimate coercion that the citizens do not have. Albeit all leaders, even religious, acted gratuitously, out of convenience, and without remorse, even though they deemed it a necessary evil; and the loss of liberty and the Republic is now irreparable, and its leaders have lost their souls.

Read full book review at: https://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/0226777022/ref=acr_dp_hist_1?ie=UTF8&filterByStar=one_star&reviewerType=all_reviews#reviews-filter-bar

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Hua Bin, you seem all in on the global warming narrative. Perhaps you should read "Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters", by Steven Koonin, a prominent physicist.

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Love this. Empires in decline tend to turn into mad cults!

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Anyone of any intellect capacity can behave with supremacist aspiration. In fact, to a partial degree, some intelligence (without well-developed character) may make it harder to grok the utter dumbassness of supremacist aspirations. All in all, it is matter of character. People of any intelligence type can develop good character, though. Good character is a personal commitment to honesty with respect to 'reality', within the confines or our personal and group limitations.

The 'life-force' if you will, we can observe, by way if its behavior, by way of the Darwinian themes that abound, features experiments around 'reality-testing', as such honing better and better adaptations to said reality (which is open-ended, or infinite, I surmise ... reality that is). But as experiments go, this means that less than optimum adaptations will also be a feature of the 'life-force' abstract landscape, ultimately losing out though, as long as more optimal solutions (adaptations more closely aligned with reality) also abound.

Supremacism is a very dumb and sub-optimal attitude or character trait because it presupposes that reality is not infinite. As such, those with supremacist aspirations, get to make believe, things like 'God is on my side'. But of course no one knows the mind of God. Because we are finite-confined beings lost together within the infinitude, ... so just a tiny bit of cursory logic allows oneself to see that presupposing the mind of God is a massive fool's errand. Even very intelligent people will fall for this utter dumbassness, and refuse even this cursory bit of logic (that even our most unintelligent are capable of operating), because to refuse this cursory logic makes them feel good, in the moment. That's pretty much it. It's an addiction to dopamine spikes, just as all addictions are. That simple: Broken vessels (i.e. - supremacists cannot formulate a strong enough regret, around their addiction, by way of a well-measured conscience, because their psychic energy is always being drained away, as if by an elevated dopamine-spike sieve, never allowing the critical psychic pressure to build enough, .... akin to the cognitive modality of their character, broken like a cracked gourd).

Humanity, as a whole, is being well tested, now. I hope we may prevail (but there are no guarantees around this), and no longer elevate those of us who are particularly cracked, character-wise. This problem could indeed eventuate a massive dial-back of our tech capacities, which would eventuate the die off of billions, if we are not careful. I for one counsel that we should begin to focus on the actual root problem. .... people like Donald Trump (and all those around him on both sides of the American smoke-and-mirrors uni-party, ... and by extension much of the leadership among secondary western powers too, in other western nations) are very much subpar character-wise. Cracked gourds. It is time to confront them with the obvious, all round, from all avenues of inquiry. This will be extremely messy and dangerous. But, I think, we must do it now, nevertheless.

Unfortunately the supremacist Zionist theme, as it informs the wrong-headed institutional Christian theme, is front and center on this. It is probable that anyone who rose to rank of Catholic priest (or clergy in other Christian denominations) are cracked gourds too, and were chosen, and not weeded out, at seminary school, as so-selected by other cracked gourds, for something like 1,600 years now. This a huge massive problem coloring absolutely everything. The cracked gourds need to be forced to seek some respite and personal refuge to try to heal the cracks in their own characters (a very personal journey). They cannot do that, and still lead. It is that simple.

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I watched a podcast last night and it brought up the concept of "The Milkshake Theory of Money",. That was the 1st time hearing the term. Basically, the demand for the U.S. dollar will outstrip the amount of dollars in circulation (I think I have that right). Any comments?


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